Muffle 炉, High-Temperature Box 炉

Muffle furnaces are used in the lab for high-temperature applications involving testing of various materials. 的 ability of these furnaces to achieve extremely high temperatures is integral for many critical industrial applications. 通过定义, a muffle furnace (also sometimes referred to as a retort furnace) isolates the subject material from the fuel and all of the products of combustion, including gases and flying ash. 的 units are usually front-加载, box-type construction that are placed or mounted on a benchtop in a testing laboratory.

Typical applications include:

  • Research and analysis of material properties by reducing the materials to absolute ashes.
  • Heat treatment for metallurgical processes to make structural changes in the materials at the molecular level.
  • Aerospace industries utilize them to test the flame retardancy of aircraft parts at extremely high temperatures.

洪堡 provides benchtop muffle furnaces in three sizes/configurations. All are equipped with ceramic fiber insulation for faster heating and reduced energy consumption. 的y also feature an embedded heating element on the top and both sides for temperature uniformity.

Small Benchtop Muffle Furnace has a maximum temperature of 2,012°F (1,100°C) with dimensions of 4.25”H x 5”W x 6”D (108 x 127 x 152mm), 0.07 cu. ft., 1.500W. Available in both 120V and 240V models and is ASTM C186 兼容的.

Medium Benchtop Muffle Furnace has a maximum temperature of 2,192°F (1,200°C) with dimensions of 5”H x 7”W x 10”D (130 x 180 x 250mm), 0.2 cu. ft., 1,800W. Available in both 120V and 240V models and is ASTM D4 兼容的.

Large Premium Benchtop Muffle Furnace has a maximum temperature of 2,192°F (1,200°C) with dimensions of 5”H x 7”W x 10”D (130 x 180 x 250mm), 0.5 cu. ft., 3,095W. Available only in a 240V 50/60Hz model.


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